
As a software engineer, I firmly believe in the power of continuous learning. The technology landscape is ever-evolving, with new languages, frameworks, and tools emerging at a rapid pace. Keeping up with these changes is not just beneficial; it's essential for personal growth and maintaining relevance in the field. That's why I'm always looking for opportunities to expand my knowledge and skill set using online courses, tutorials, and other resources. Here is a list of all of my completed courses and certificates to-date. All of the courses listed took at least 30 hours each to complete.

Astronomy: Exploring Time and Space | University of Arizona

This course took a general approach to astronomy. Teaching everything from its history to the methods and tools of the observatory and scientifc method, galaxies, the life and death of stars, cosmology and astrobiology.

From the Big Bang to Dark Energy | The University of Tokyo

This was a beginner's course in cosmology. It looked at the entire timespan between the Big Bang to modern life, as well as gave glimpes into subjects like the Higgs Boson and its relationship to matter, dark and anti-matter, inflation and dark energy.

The Science of the Solar System | Caltech

This course provided tremendous detail about the Solar System, as well as the search for life outside of it. Completing this course was a challenge, as the quizes and exams pushed me to learn every tiny detail.

AstroTech: The Science and Technology behind Astronomical Discovery | The University of Edinburgh

This course covered the various types of techology and equiptent used in astronomy. From computers to various types of telescopes to the various detectors, I learned that there are a wide range of tools astronomers use that is dependent on the problem they're trying to solve. This served as a good primer for the

Data-driven Astronomy | The University of Sydney

This course was exciting because it was the first to truly introduce me to the research applications in astronomy. Using various libraries, esecially NumPy, I was able to manipulate datasets using algorithms and dervive conclusions about data from the programming exercises. We also learned how to apply machine learning to astronmical data, as well as store and retreive data from a DBMS.